Sunday, April 29, 2012


mykel is so fun and so naturally pretty! she doesn't even have to try! i got her addicted to once upon a time. are you still watching?? cause it's so good!

i love the candidness (is that really a word?) of this shot. so cute! she probably has the best hair of anyone i know.

thanks for the good times, mykel

Sunday, April 22, 2012

rexburg & my dad

 a few photos from my trip to rexburg....

what better way to start than a distorted self portrait  :)

my dad taking a picture of me, taking a picture of him!

we took a walk through campus. this was "my" building where i spent a lot of my time.

my dad, just being my dad.

house in the alley 

i have always had a strange fascination with power lines.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

rexburg skate park

i made a visit to rexburg a few weeks ago and while i was there i decided to take some pictures at the skate park. i am not a creative editor, so this was really fun for me to break out and try something new. i discovered some things that i could use in the future, as well as some things that i really don't like and will never use again. so enjoy my little experimenting! the bikers/skateboardders were absolutely amazing! i would love to go back for another photo shoot next time i'm in town  :) 

love how this one turned out!

love this one too! the portraits were my favorite because i was able to capture their personality.

these guys really were so great!

my favorite from the whole shoot! it just says so much.